One step at a time

Never give up you have came to far!! if you have forgettenhow far you have come then taking these 3 steps below sure can help you. Persitence is key !!!

step 1 

Sit down and breathe.

It’s hard to hear the truth when a thousand voices and worries are circling through your mind. Taking just five minutes to sit down and let the voices become quiet can make a huge difference.

step 2

Ask yourself, “Where was I this time last year? Five years ago? Ten?

I can guarantee that you will be surprised by your answers. Change comes slowly, so it can be hard to see it, but it’s always happening, whether we see it or not.

Step 3

Celebrate the little things.

As you go about your day, try to notice when you take even the smallest step towards your goal and be sure to honor that in some way. Even just writing it down in your journal will give you that moment of recognition.


  • Take time to think about who you are – your personality, your background, what makes you tick
  • Understand that there are both positive and negative aspects of who you are and you should accept these as part of who you are
  • Are there things about yourself which you don’t like? Ok, maybe you can improve but first acknowledge them and accept them
  • Are you trying to be something you’re not? Why? Wouldn’t it be better to be you?
  • Buy a book and confront the problem:

13 Ways to improve your life

1. Imagine you’re your best friend. If you were, what would you tell yourself right now? Look in the mirror and say it.

2. Smile at a stranger you might be the only one that does. you may even get a smile back

3. Help someone. Carry a bag, open a door, or pick up an extra loaf of bread for a neighbor.

4. Check in with your emotions. Sit quietly and just name without judgment what you’re feeling.

5. Write out your thoughts. Go for ten minutes on anything bothering you. Then let it go as you burn or bin the paper.

6. Choose who you spend your time with today. Hang out with “Radiators” who emit enthusiasm and positivity, and not “Drains” whose pessimism and negativity robs energy.

7. Stroke a pet. If you don’t have one, go to the park and find one. (Ask first!)

8. Get positive feedback. Ask three good friends to tell you what they love about you.

10. Splurge a little. Buy a small luxury as a way of valuing yourself.

11. Have a self-date. Spend an hour alone doing something that nourishes you (reading, your hobby, visiting a museum or gallery, etc.)

12. Exercise a signature strength. Think about what you’re good at, and find an opportunity for it today.

13. Ask for help—big or small, but reach out.




Some of us find these steps more difficult to accomplish then the rest of us do. I no i do! All i ever wanted to be was liked in this life by everyone! I ask myself why do i care so much what others think of me. My answer is simple BECAUSE I DO

Most people around me just dont care if someone doesnt like them or can get on with . I always say one day i wont care because i am working on my self taking time for me reading lots of helpful quotes and books these guide me into a new light I will say this is a lenghy process and i mean it when i say it this can take years . Speaking  bad about myself is a daily habit of mine which i am struggleing to break i constantly insult myself resulting in me down no confidence but i am getting there i am takeing care of me.  ONE STEP AT A TIME.10-steps-to-self-care


Many of us have so many responsibilities in life that we forget to take care of our personal needs. This is particularly true for mothers, who have many caregiving responsibilities, but moms certainly don’t have a monopoly on letting life get in the way of taking care of themselves.  And while it’s hard to prioritize something like taking a bath when you have so many other items on your to-do list, self-care is an important aspect of stress management

This is because we are all less able to handle the stresses that come our way when we’re already depleted by physical and emotional exhaustion.  Or, put in a more positive way, we are more resilient and more able to handle life’s stress when we are feeling our best both physically and emotionally.  A massage, soak in the tub or other forms of pampering revitalize you inside and out. Taking time out to maintain self-care has several benefitscare-of-self: