How can i be my best self

Becoming your best self-requires working on your strength. You can’t be a jack of all trades and you have to admit it. It will be the biggest leap towards becoming at least a better version of you.

Find out what gives you a kick. If you have a knack for acting, join group theater. If you love reciting poetry, join a literary club. Love playing chess? Just join a chess club. Be around people who share your enthusiasm, be humble, appreciate their curiosity, learn constantly from them and excel in that field.

Studies show that studying or practicing something for one hour daily can make you an international expert of that thing within seven years.

Some other activities that will help you develop as a person:

  • RUN 10 minutes daily. You will feel the difference instantly both in health and spirit.
  • READ a book. 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes before sleeping. Try to read a Medium post on a topic you are interested in.
  • WRITE an answer on Quora daily. How about keeping a blog?
  • DRINK a green smoothie. Invest in a nice blender may be? It will help to be in a better shape than you ever were.
  • TALK to an old friend daily. Old friends are like wine, get better with time.
  • WATCH Ted Talk video daily. Obviously, on a topic, you are interested in. Listening to something educational can improve your intuition.

there is lots more we can do more to follow

The Healer

Why do wee blame ourself for everything

opinions or things we think that wee may think is wrong. should wee even be thinking that inn first place ? Is this wrong ? You see this the mother of all problems in the first place if we could be truthful and not be embarrassed of our thoughts than wee could yes wee could save a lot of people.

I say people and not problems because if people tell us exactly what is wrong with Example: I maybe could have handled things in a different way today like maybe I did not give the correct answer to my uncle maybe I could have said something better in response to what he was asking there is many different better things i could have says but that doesn’t make me a bad person, or question myself like it would other people.

you see people only need to hear what they want to hear! we ain’t psychic,  I wish we where because many people very close to us would still be here today.

We can’t read their minds we wish with all our heart and soul that wee could because than wee would have the answer to their questions that wee can’t hear wee can’t see them either way !!

What I am trying to say is whether we make a mental note or a note on a piece of paper wee can’t help solve the problem but if wee could read the mind wee could  certainly help it, in I mean what people do think that they find too embarrassing or not knowing how to explain,

what is wrong is the bigger problem here in this day and age we have so many out that nasty dreaded feeling of embarrassment then the world would be a more successful one their wouldn’t be people too embarrassed at what goes through there heads and I don’t mean what goes through murderers heads.

I mean our own heads our own thoughts that we can’t control those ones they are killing us slowly but surely because wee are so embarrassed to talk about them because even wee think we are being selfish.

example today I was at a trampoline park and my boy was on the trampoline bouncing up and down having so much fun when this little boy comes on and pushes him off the trampoline I say it’s OK to my son jump on the next trampoline ignore that he’s just excited and it’s all good from there.

Then i think to myself oh what a wonderful fucking world NOT!! I really want to teach the boy some manners and his dad with pure anger in my belly fire in my heart am raging he should have not pushed my fucking boy. FACT!!

The real Question is What could i have thought different about that eventful time ?

Did I say the wrong thing Did I not did I did I not you see there is no wrong or 

The healer

right you get right! 
this is how the story goes.
I forget about this very quickly but this is just one example there are plenty more.
The Healer


6 ways to love yourself again.

Hello all

Throughout life, we fall in and out of love with ourselves…a lot. Every time we have a negative thought about ourselves, we temporarily lose sight of our true loving nature. Even the ascended “spiritual masters” have had moments where they don’t like themselves; the duality of love and hate, light and dark, you and I. It’s a very persistent illusion that we all struggle to see past at times. In reality, we all come from Love, whatever and wherever that place may exist.

Because you originated from a place abound with love, that means it resides within you, as well. So, how can we uncover our true nature if we have been out of touch with it for so long?

Start with these six simple exercises daily if you want to experience greater self-love.

Here are 6 simple ways to love yourself again, starting now:

1. Celebrate yourself, as you are right now.

When you wake up each morning, thank yourself for everything that represents you. Thank your eyes for allowing you to see, your smile for making others smile, your hair for protecting your head from the sun, your body for giving you the ability to move, your mind for allowing you to think, your heart for letting you feel, etc.

You are literally a walking miracle, so don’t ever forget that.

You incarnated on this Earth at a very special time, when many of us got called upon to bring the planet back into alignment. Relish in every part of yourself as it is because no other being on this planet came here to do what you came here to do. No one else has the same genetic makeup or capabilities, so rejoice in all your unique splendor.

2. Give your inner child permission to come to life again.

Our inner child knows nothing of the pain we have wrapped ourselves in so tightly for much of our lives – it only knows love and compassion. He or she wants us to express ourselves fully, as we did as children. The inner child waits longingly for you to grow tired of living in the confines of a conditioned world, and wants you to enjoy life again. He or she can’t wait to see you let go and dance to the music inside your soul.

Ignite the spark within you and give up the desire to fit into any standard set by society; live up to your own standards instead. One of the best ways to love ourselves is to simply be ourselves.

3. Fully forgive yourself.

Any wrongdoings or mistakes are all a part of your journey – you don’t have to feel ashamed or guilty about anything you said or did in the past. Fully embrace the ups and downs of this existence, and accept that your imperfections make you perfect. You didn’t know in the past what you know now, so you had to experience certain tests and trials in order to grow as a person. The entirety of creation dwells within you, so remember this next time you go down the path of self-destructive thoughts.

You directly reflect the cosmos, and the totality of your experiences is necessary in order for the universe to know itself better. Everything that you go through only gets you closer to your highest self.

4. Practice loving-kindness meditation.

Before you can show love and kindness to anyone else, you need to give it a place to live within you. You need to let it permeate through every cell of your being, and become the qualities you seek outside of yourself. One of the best ways to cultivate love and kindness within is to meditate on these states of being. Imagine yourself as a being of light, who radiates with compassion and love for yourself and everyone on this Earth.

Take in this energy from the universe, and allow it to exist in your spiritual being. Do this for at least thirty minutes a day, and try not to think about anything else but love and kindness. By introducing new thought loops into your brain, you can retrain it to think more lovingly instead of fearfully.

5. You are already whole.

You don’t need anything outside yourself to become whole – you represent the entire universe, and you have everything you need already. You have love, compassion, strength, happiness, and all the things you seek outside yourself that you may have forgotten you already possess. You embody the consciousness that everything on this planet came from, and you make this universe come to life. Without you, the entire chemistry of the collective consciousness would change, because you make up an intrinsic part of it. You are the whole, and a part of the whole simultaneously.

Never doubt your completeness, and feel it in every bone in your body. Say “I am complete” to yourself every day, and you will slowly begin to remember this fundamental aspect of yourself.

6. Do what your heart wants.

Never deny what your soul longs for – after all, that call is the reason you’re here. Whatever you feel drawn to, go after it. If you want to travel the world, do it. If you want to start an organic garden, start it. Don’t wait until tomorrow or next month or next year; do what you want while you can. To love yourself, you must nourish your soul and listen to your innermost desires. You can’t love yourself if you reject what you came here to do. We all have different likes and dislikes, but these characteristics help us get in touch with our highest selves.

Follow your bliss; it will take you to a place you could have only imagined in your wildest dreams.

If you’re ready to love yourself again, make the declaration in the comments below – “I am LOVED”!


The healer 16.02.18

How do I Free myself

Release this heavy burdens dragging you down all They only make you ill.

Life is not meant to be easy it’s meant to be lived the ups and downs are for us to grow into very strong people and take what life throws at us and throw it right back with a smile on your face. 😊👊🏻

I am living proof but by reading lots of my self-help books which I will be showing later on very excited 😊

I won’t lie and say I am completely feeling free like a bird in the sea blue sky. I am taking one step at a time and you should try it. I am always here to guide you like your little guardian Angel or even a fairy godmother 💫

Most important part of this story is I am ready to help you on your successful journey just drop me a comment I can give you my email it’s whatever you feel comfortable with. I am

here TheHealer 16.02.18 always


Losing a friend through Anxiety and depression.

Hello lovelies ❤️

I have lost many friends through anxiety & depression it isn’t nice although in my opinion, if they were a true friend they would be by your side supporting you through your mental illness.

See I do understand that it’s not easy dealing with Anxiety or with a friend who has this mental illness.

I change my mind around 100 times in a day, rarely stick to my word, let others down all because I feel sick, anxious, worthless and dam sensitive all the time, i am the worst overthinker you will ever meet,  even worse because I let my friend down! I worry that she won’t like me anymore because I let her down or I said the wrong thing.

I struggle to even wait for a bus somedays it feels like the whole world is against me, I get itchy feet and butterfly’s that are so intense I have to start walking to ease the tension of my frustration building up because I don’t feel at ease, Not to say that it works all the time.

The thing I do tell myself and others is I am me my illness is part of me and only certain people will have the privilege of helping me through it, understanding me for who I am would really take special kind of person and is the most precious gift I could ask for, those special people are rare when they show up in your life keep them close to your heart let them know you appreciate them. 

Feeling Anxious or stressed try this.

I hope this helps.

Always remember you are not alone ❤️

Feel free to comment.


5 helpful positive quotes✨

1. Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.

2. Acts of Kindness: random act of kindness, no matter how small, can make a tremendous impact on someone else’s life.

3.Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals.

If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.

4. Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy.

5. Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward. If you want to fly, you have to give up what weighs you down.

I really hope these quotes help you as much as they help me.
