Why do wee blame ourself for everything

opinions or things we think that wee may think is wrong. should wee even be thinking that inn first place ? Is this wrong ? You see this the mother of all problems in the first place if we could be truthful and not be embarrassed of our thoughts than wee could yes wee could save a lot of people.

I say people and not problems because if people tell us exactly what is wrong with Example: I maybe could have handled things in a different way today like maybe I did not give the correct answer to my uncle maybe I could have said something better in response to what he was asking there is many different better things i could have says but that doesn’t make me a bad person, or question myself like it would other people.

you see people only need to hear what they want to hear! we ain’t psychic,  I wish we where because many people very close to us would still be here today.

We can’t read their minds we wish with all our heart and soul that wee could because than wee would have the answer to their questions that wee can’t hear wee can’t see them either way !!

What I am trying to say is whether we make a mental note or a note on a piece of paper wee can’t help solve the problem but if wee could read the mind wee could  certainly help it, in I mean what people do think that they find too embarrassing or not knowing how to explain,

what is wrong is the bigger problem here in this day and age we have so many out that nasty dreaded feeling of embarrassment then the world would be a more successful one their wouldn’t be people too embarrassed at what goes through there heads and I don’t mean what goes through murderers heads.

I mean our own heads our own thoughts that we can’t control those ones they are killing us slowly but surely because wee are so embarrassed to talk about them because even wee think we are being selfish.

example today I was at a trampoline park and my boy was on the trampoline bouncing up and down having so much fun when this little boy comes on and pushes him off the trampoline I say it’s OK to my son jump on the next trampoline ignore that he’s just excited and it’s all good from there.

Then i think to myself oh what a wonderful fucking world NOT!! I really want to teach the boy some manners and his dad with pure anger in my belly fire in my heart am raging he should have not pushed my fucking boy. FACT!!

The real Question is What could i have thought different about that eventful time ?

Did I say the wrong thing Did I not did I did I not you see there is no wrong or 

The healer

right you get right! 
this is how the story goes.
I forget about this very quickly but this is just one example there are plenty more.
The Healer